• info@innovativetrainingsolutions.co.uk


The course fee must be paid in full prior to the course date, either at the time of booking or on receipt of invoice. We reserve the right to re-allocate the course place to another delegate if fees are not paid on time. Failure to receive the course fees in adherence with these terms means that we reserve the right to request payment on the day of the course.

Late Payment

In the event of late payment, we reserve the right to charge interest on all outstanding amounts at the rate of 5% per calendar month or part thereof from the last date that payment was due to the date that payment is made.


The prices quoted on this site are correct at the date of publication and for 60 days thereafter. We reserve the right to adjust these prices.

Changing Delegate Details

There will be no charge if a substitute person wishes to replace the original delegate.

Cancellation of Course

We reserve the right to cancel a course at any time without liability. In these circumstances, delegates will be offered an alternative date or a full refund. We will not compensate for travelling expenses or booked accommodation.

Course Notes and Training

The notes and training cannot be relied upon for legal interpretation. Neither we nor our employees, trainers or consultants can accept responsibility for delegates' actions, or those of other people reading the course notes or interpreting the training in litigation, or responsibility for any loss incurred as a result of relying on the training or the training notes.